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Foreign exchange, more commonly known as Forex or FX, relates to buying and selling currencies with the purpose of making profit off the changes in their value. As the biggest market in the world by far, larger than the stock market or any other, there is high liquidity in the forex market. Therefore, the forex market attracts many traders, beginners and experienced alike. With approximately $4 trillion USD traded in the market every day, the forex market has the highest liquidity in the world. Basically, this means that one can buy almost any currency he wishes in high volumes while the market is open. The forex market is open 24 hours, 5 days a week – Monday to Friday. Trading begins with the opening of the market in Australia, Asia, Europe to follow and then the USA until the markets close.

Unlike the stock market, there is no legal minimum you need to start day trading forex. Therefore, you can begin trading with significantly less capital than the $25,000 required for day trading US stocks. The forex market moves in pips. The EUR/USD may be priced at 1.3025, and the fourth decimal place represents one pip of movement. If the EUR/USD moves to 1.3026 that is a one pip move, if it moves up to 1.3125, that is a 100 pip move. Forex pairs trade in 1000, 10,000 and 100,000 units, called micro, mini and standard lots. When starting out in forex day trading, it's recommended traders open a micro lot account. Trading micro lots allows for more flexibility, so risk remains below 1% of the account on each trade. For example, a micro-lot trader can buy $6,000 worth of currency, or $14,000, or $238,000 but if they open a mini lot account they can only trade in increments of $10,000, so $10,000, $20,000, etc. If trading standard lots, a trader can only take positions of $100,000, $200,000, etc.

Currency trading was very difficult for individual investors prior to the internet. Most currency traders were large multinational corporations, hedge funds or high-net-worth individuals because forex trading required a lot of capital. With help from the internet, a retail market aimed at individual traders has emerged, providing easy access to the foreign exchange markets, either through the banks themselves or brokers making a secondary market. Most online brokers or dealers offer very high leverage to individual traders who can control a large trade with a small account balance.

Getting started is relatively simple. Simply click on the "Sign Up or Invest Now" link and complete the registration process. Then decide which investment platform you would like to use.

Withdrawals are generally processed instantly, in rare cases withdrawals can be processed manually and take longer.

If you have problems logging in, or if you receive an error message during registration, please contact or use the Live Chat feature on this website.

The more capital we have, the faster and easier we make profits. This is why we opened the lending program to the general public. For each plan, you get your investment back plus the profit. We don’t hold your initial investment. So, for example, if you invest $300 with the Basic Day Plan, in 7 days you’ll get $1,200. Don’t worry we have insurance for theft or loss of private keys of your digital assets. This coverage is available from BitGo Trust and their insurance provider Lloyd’s of London, the world’s specialist insurance and reinsurance market.

Blockchain is a form of distributed ledger where new transactions and interactions added to the ledger are collected and verified in groups referred to as blocks. A block is a cluster of transactions, gathered and cryptographically proven. Every ten minutes, a block is verified across the public ledger, granting each user in the network the ability to view the entirety of the network's transaction history. The history is made up of a long chain of blocks of transactions.